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Urban Logistics: From Competition to Collaboration​

Cities demanding more collaboration across transportation players, customers growing demand for flexibility and visibility, and logistics players realizing the value of sharing resources, are shifting the framework of urban logistics from competitive to collaborative.
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urban delivery

New Technologies That Are Changing The Future of Urban Delivery

Conventional delivery vehicles can exacerbate inefficiencies in urban delivery. This is why urban logistics players are developing new technologies and businesses to improve the efficiency of the last mile of urban delivery.
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congestion cities

How Cities are Adapting to The Surge in Delivery Vehicles​

What policies and methods are cities implementing to deal with congestion and the increase in delivery vehicles in urban areas?
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e-commerce growth traffic

How E-Commerce Growth and Delivery Vehicles are Impacting Cities

Though e-commerce was made to lessen travel, traffic, and make shopping easier, its growth has led to a flood of delivery vehicles to the streets.
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